
Showing posts from March, 2014

Mh370 jetliner was hijacked announced the Malaysian authorities

The Malaysian prime minister announced that the jetline mh370 with 249 people was hijacked. However no body still know where the plane was gone, and it's still under disappearance.

Malaysia Jetline 370 with 239 people Still Missing

Malaysian Airplane 370 with 239 people on board Still Missing By Mo Bahjat March 12 2014 On Google, just write plane, and the top news is the flight Malaysia 370. The plane took off from between Kuala Lampur heading to Beijing, China on Saturday March 8. The Malaysian jetliner lost signals with radars after one hour of flying. Until now, the search is still in the process, yet there are no signs of the airplane. Where the plane is? What happened to the people on board? How it happened? These questions remain mysterious. The Interpol announced that there were two Iranians on that plane using fake passports, planning to seek asylum in Germany, and the Iranians were not terrorists. Just recently, I found a profile of one of the guys who were on jetliner 370, and he recorded his travels on Facebook. His name is Pouria Nour Mohammadi also Nicknamed as (Wicky) on Facebook. . Millions of people got shocked by this mysterious disappearance,